Kais Attia
4 min readJan 19, 2021

Abir Moussi: Why is fascism so sexy?

The latest numbers provided to us by specialized companies (https://www.leconomistemaghrebin.com/2020/12/16/sondage-sigma-conseil-kais-saied-moussi/) indicate clearly that Abir Moussi’s star is on the rise. Some went as far as declaring her and her party a potential winner for the next elections. As a relatively new comer to the Tunisian national assembly, this gain in popularity might come as a shock to some people, especially if we take under the consideration that she was a part of the fascist regime of Ben Ali, her unwavering defence of such regime, and her continuous disregard of the political etiquettes. So, why is she gaining so much political ground? And why is fascism so appealing to the masses?

While working in Vienna, and in a typical Freudian fashion, Sigmund Freud noticed that his patients were developing an attraction towards him. Freud was aware that such attraction is not based on rational reasons, in the sense that they were not attracted to his looks, mental qualities, nor the shit ton of coke on his desk. Therefore, he reached the conclusion that his patients’ attraction is irrational and that they identified with him on an unconscious level. Skipping forwards for a few decades comes Adorno. In his work “Freudian Theory and the Pattern Fascist of Propaganda” he adopts the mechanism of identification as observed by Freud and applies it on the persona of the fascist leader.

Adorno states that in a liberal democracy, the promise of a fulfilling life is enabled by a democratic process. On the other hand, the opposing force of the capitalist system disables the people from reaching self-determination. Due to this frustration the masses start to look for a figure that they can identify with. And this is where the idea of the “great–little man” comes portrayed by the modern-day fascist leader. The “great-little man” as explained by Adorno is an enlargement of the ego of the masses, as he/she embodies a contradiction between a superhuman and your average citizen. Adorno puts this notion in simpler terms when describing Hitler “a composite of King Kong and the suburban barber” and King Kong he is. As the “great-little man” is oral, vulgar, and dismissive of the “elitist” establishments. But unlike the followers, he is not restricted due to his superhuman attributes. “The very incessant nature of the speech leads it to void itself of sense and becomes magical; it casts a spell over its listeners. The very power he exercises is also indicative of his powerlessness insofar as this suggests ego weakness rather than strength. In the “great little man” the follower is mesmerized by an enlarged image of himself.” -Samir Gandesha-

And if this is not a perfect depiction of Abir Moussi. While the elites make a mockery of the way she throws herself from one live session to another, and while the media make fun of her vulgar remarks within the walls of the parliament or her continuous childlike tantrums, the masses do not perceive this as an attack on Abir but also an attack on them as they already consider her an enlargement of their own ego. Hence, the public disapproval of the “elitist” politicians grows further and her fascist movement gains more ground, in the series on “Fascisms Old and New,” Judith Butler’s remarks that the left is coming to be seen as super-egoic for the right, and Trump (in this case Abir Moussi), a figure of disinhibition. This observation made by Judith Butler can be perfectly projected on the Tunisian political scene where populist movements, and especially Abir Moussi, became an agent the people can identify with whereas the rest of the progressive parties turned into alien elitist groups.

Oedipus plucking his eyes

Finally, even though I am fully aware that what we have here has nothing to do with the actual myth of oedipus, I found myself entertained by the idea that we killed the father (Ben Ali) just to end up with the mother (Abir Moussi). But quickly, my perverted sense of humour was cut off by the realization, that just like Oedipus Rex upon figuring the atrocity of his own actions we will end up plucking our eyes and going to exile rather than to see this political shit show unfold.

Moral of the story: Stay away from fascism kids.

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